Wednesday 12 Mar


PIR announces the acquisition of Nordic Storage, a Swedish company that offers storage and handling services for a wide range of energy and chemical products. The seven terminals of Nordic Storage are strategically located along the coast of Sweden and in Denmark.

The PIR Group doubles its storage capacity reaching a total of about two million cubic metres between the Mediterranean Sea and Scandinavia.

In the press kit you may find the press release, a map of the storage terminals and some pictures.

archive Press kit (zip) (11.34 MB)

Ravenna, October 26 - La Petrolifera Italo Rumena (PIR), Edison and Enagás announce the start of operations in Ravenna of Depositi Italiani GNL (DIG), the small-scale terminal of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the service of the sustainability of heavy and maritime transport.

With the entry into operation of DIG coastal terminal - 51% owned by PIR, 30% by Edison and 19% by Scale Gas of the Enagás Group - Italy will benefit from a stable and secure supply LNG for the transport market. A concrete and available solution capable of contributing from today to the decarbonisation of transport.

Il deposito, realizzato con un investimento di circa 100 milioni di euro sul territorio, ha una capacità di stoccaggio di 20.000 metri cubi di GNL e una capacità di movimentazione annua di oltre 1 milione di metri cubi di gas liquido, rendendo disponibile il GNL per l’alimentazione di almeno 12.000 camion e fino a 48 traghetti all’anno. Durante il suo esercizio consentirà di evitare l’emissione di 6 milioni di tonnellate di CO2 e di azzerare quelle di particolato e di ossidi di zolfo.

The terminal, built with an investment of approximately 100 million euros, has a storage capacity of 20,000 cubic meters of LNG and an annual handling capacity of more than 1 million cubic meters of liquid gas, making LNG available for fuelling at least 12,000 trucks and for bunkering up to 48 ferries per year. During its operation it will make it possible to avoid the emission of 6 million tons of CO2 and to eliminate those of particulate matter and sulfur oxides.

“We are very pleased to have reached this ambitious milestone in the construction of the first strategic LNG infrastructure in Italy and particularly in the port of Ravenna, which is the historical base of our Group, and to have undertaken this economic adventure with important partners such as Edison and Scale Gas Solutions of the Enagás Group - comments Guido Ottolenghi, PIR CEO -. The DIG terminal represents the first tangible step in the direction of the country's energy transition.”

Press release [in Italian]

Press review [in Italian]

Services published by RAI [in Italian]:

 Read more: DIG - The inaugurationRead more: DIG - The inaugurationRead more: DIG - The inauguration

The first LNG ship destined for the new terminal DIG - Depositi Italiani GNL has been moored at PIR berth for the test phase. The terminal is expected to start operations at the end of October.


Read more: DIG - First LNG ship


Depositi Italiani GNL

The first small scale LNG terminal in Italy

The Inauguration

The Making Of


The PIR Centenary

May 24, 2020 - La Petrolifera Italo Rumena (PIR) celebrates 100 years. 100 years of people at your service.


On the Baiona salient

Documentary on the origins of La Petrolifera Italo Rumena


Mooring at PIR inner jetty


PIA 10

The firs 10 year of activity of La Petrolifera Italo Albanese


The transfer of Adriatank's tanks to PIR terminals


Il Centenario PIR 

La Petrolifera Italo Rumena (PIR) è fiera di annunciare un prestigioso traguardo: domenica 24 maggio 2020 é stato celebrato il centesimo anniversario della fondazione.

L’anniversario arriva in un periodo particolarmente difficile che ha visto l’azienda pienamente operativa anche nel periodo del lockdown. Questo però non ha impedito alla PIR, in conformità con quanto previsto dalle vigenti normative sanitarie, di celebrare il proprio centenario mettendo in atto alcune delle iniziative inizialmente programmate.

Tra tutte, la realizzazione di due video celebrativi "Il Centenario PIR" e "Sulla punta della Baiona", la pubblicazione di un libro dal titolo “Il merito dei padri. Storia de La Petrolifera Italo Rumena, 1920-2020”, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Il Mulino e a breve disponibile nelle librerie, e la realizzazione della mostra fotografica “Il Centenario PIR – 1920-2020” a Marina di Ravenna.


Cartella Stampa

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Il Centenario PIR

Sulla punta della Baiona

Read more: PIA celebrates the first 10 years of activity

We are glad to inform you that on Monday 3 June 2019 La Petrolifera Italo Albanese celebrated the first 10 years of activity in Vlora.

Read more: PIA –  First block train operatedWe are particularly glad to inform you that on December 13 it has been operated the first block train bringing crude oil at PIA terminal in Vlore for further export via ships.

We trust that the start of the rail modality will have real and very positive effects on the environmental sustainability and the safety of the transports of the goods from/to PIA terminal.

We are pleased to inform you that on December 3rd 2018, it has been celebrated the tenth anniversary of the entry of PIR into the Tunisian subsidiary SSTC.

To ensure a safe and secure IT environment to both our customers and visitors of our website, we are pleased to inform you that the data transmission protocols of the website, the Customer Area and the Easy PIR app have been updated to the latest standards available in terms of IT security.

After 25 years of fruitful cooperation, La Petrolifera Italo Rumena SpA (PIR) purchased 50% of Petra SpA from Eni, becoming its only shareholder.

Petra was established in 1992 jointly by Eni and PIR and started its activity in December 1993, successfully implementing over the years the rationalization of oil logistics in the port of Ravenna, which is now entirely managed by an independent operator.

PIR Group operates in Ravenna in the port logistics sector since 1920 and also owns terminals in Genoa, Albania and Tunisia. The acquisition of Petra will create integration opportunities with other Group plants in Ravenna, while Eni will continue the long standing commercial relationship with Petra.

Real Estate

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