Wednesday 12 Mar


The biggest mediterranean terminal for storage and handling of dry goods

Docks Cereali operates the biggest terminal for storage and handling of bulk dry goods of the Mediterranean area.

The terminal covers an area of 215,000 sqm. The quay, 650 m long with a draft of 9.45 m, has two granty cranes fitted with grabs with a capacity of 750 t/h each, 3 pneumatic towers for cereals and flour with a capacity of 300 t/h each, 1 mechanical tower with capacity of 900 t/h and 3 mobile towers with a capacity of 500 t/h each.

The terminal has about 400,000 tonnes of storage capacity for cereals handled at a rate of 600 t/h during discharging and 300 t/h during loading. The storage facilities include 118 silos, 71 warehouses and large areas for open storage. A fleet of 13 tyred shovels is used for the handling. Rail mode is also available, including weighbridge for railcars.

Docks Cereali has facilities for grinding, mixing and bagging raw materials in bags and big-bags, it is also equipped with a flour sterilisation system, two crushing machines for slice goods or pellets and a plant for fertilizers bagging and packing.



Docks Cereali operates the biggest terminal for storage and handling of bulk dry goods of the Mediterranean area.

The terminal covers an area of 215,000 sqm. The quay, 650 m long with a draft of 9.45 m, has two granty cranes fitted with grabs with a capacity of 750 t/h each, 3 pneumatic towers for cereals and flour with a capacity of 300 t/h each, 1 mechanical tower with capacity of 900 t/h and 3 mobile towers with a capacity of 500 t/h each.

The terminal has about 400,000 tonnes of storage capacity for cereals handled at a rate of 600 t/h during discharging and 300 t/h during loading. The storage facilities include 118 silos, 71 warehouses and large areas for open storage. A fleet of 13 tyred shovels is used for the handling. Rail mode is also available, including weighbridge for railcars.

Docks Cereali has facilities for grinding, mixing and bagging raw materials in bags and big-bags, it is also equipped with a flour sterilisation system, two crushing machines for slice goods or pellets and a plant for fertilizers bagging and packing.


Docks Cereali Terminal Features

certifications ISO 9001
storage areas 118 silos (abt 91,000 tons)
71 warehouses (abt 260,000 tons)
25,600 sqm of open storage
Products handled Dry bulk and packaged cereals and flour, packaged goods (sugar, rice etc.) and any other kind of dry goods such as fertilizers, salt, ferrous materials, aluminium ecc.
Services available Storage hire, in and out via vessels / trucks / railcars (block trains), grinding, mixing, bagging in bags and big-bags, fast stowing products with fully automated ship-loader, palletization, containerization, flour sterilisation system.
Sea-tankers accommodation Maximum vessels dimensions allowed at the berth:
  • length over all 220 m
  • beam 33 m
  • draftT 9.45 m (31 ft)
Berthing according to Ravenna Port Authority regulations.


Docks Cereali SpA
Via Classicana, 59
48122 Ravenna (RA)

Tel. +39 0544 436206
Fax +39 0544 436650



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